[PLUG] IPv4 address exhaustion - beginning of the end in 8 days

Tim tim-pdxlug at sentinelchicken.org
Tue Jan 25 00:00:27 UTC 2011

Howdy folks,

IANA is likely to run out of IPv4 addresses in about 8 days.  IANA
dishes blocks of /8 to the 5 regional registries who then break those
up and distribute them within their own regions.  The regional
registries are likely to begin running out in 2011 as well. FMI, see:

Just thought I'd raise some awareness and ask everyone how comfortable
they feel with their knowledge and background in IPv6.  How many of
you who currently run public services (web, mail, etc) would feel
comfortable offering the same services over IPv6?  If you haven't
tackled this already, what has prevented you from doing so?


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