[PLUG] IPtables vs .htaccess

Tim tim-pdxlug at sentinelchicken.org
Thu Jan 27 23:49:03 UTC 2011

> Which method of blocking large numbers of IPs is the least consumptive 
> of system resources?  

iptables is most likely more efficient, though it may be harder to
manage.  I also am not sure how well it scales when you have thousands
of individual IP addresses.  However, it is efficient for blocking
groups of IPs.

> I have been using IPtables for several years but 
> am curious as to whether it is the best way to go when blocking hundreds 
> of IPs - like maybe for ALL of China and/or Korea for instance.

You may want to rethink the approach of blocking whole countries.
For some time a friend of mine was blocking all of China and Korea to
cut down on spam.  However, just recently he was workign for a client
in one of those countries and just couldn't figure out why he couldn't
receive their email.  He had forgotten about the blocking.

There's no telling if/when you'll run into similar issues, and it may
not be related to traffic you can anticipate will go to/from those
countries.  (Think geographically distributed services you use every

A better approach to cut down on noise might be to block traffic from
IPs on public blacklists like the spamhaus XBL:

I'm not sure if that specific blacklist is convenient to use with
iptables, but that would be a better approach in my book.


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