[PLUG] Where does Evolution Keep its Brains?

Tim Wescott tim at wescottdesign.com
Thu Jul 21 19:36:02 UTC 2011

So, I decided with the latest Ubuntu upgrade to try out Evolution, since
I've been ignoring it for nearly a dozen revisions now.

I messed up my sig line (see below).  I want to change it.  It's not
apparent from the menus that there's either a way to do this, or even if
there's a way to blow it away and start over again.  It appears that I'm
doomed to forever have a "mail_sig" and a "mail_sig_really".

Surely this is stored in plain text in a file someplace?  I've grepped
on the content below and come up with all the mail I've ever sent or
received with that sig, but what I haven't come up with is the original.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.

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