[PLUG] Proposal: A PLUG Code of Conduct

King Beowulf kingbeowulf at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 19:49:45 UTC 2012

On 12/07/2012 10:49 AM, Paul Heinlein wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Dec 2012, Wayne E. Van Loon Sr. wrote:
>> While I think it is OK for anyone to publish a list of suggested 
>> guide lines such as the good list below, I am opposed to any sort of 
>> conduct police. To avoid another round of stuff similar to 2011-10, 
>> that is all I'll say.
> +1
> Threads spin out of control all the time -- usually going off-topic, 
> but occasionally going off-color -- but deleting threads is about the 
> easiest thing to do in a decent e-mail client.
> Once the sociopath and his overly earnest (or perhaps likewise 
> sociopathic) correspondent realize the room is empty of spectators, 
> they go home.

I concur.  While I wasn'ton this list during the period in question, 
Flame wars pop up all the time online, whether on USENET, IRC, webforums 
or mail lists., etc. They can often be amusing. Amusing, or not, 
deleting/blocking the offending parties is easy enough. "Don't feed the 
troll."  A "morality police" is not needed.  After all, its all just 
words:  "Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt 
me."  I sometimes think we are getting too sensitive as a culture when 
we take offense and wish to prosecute what we have termed "verbal abuse" 
as though we were physically injured in the attack. Although this may be 
valid in person, when online, insulting language and "screaming" in all 
CAPS is easily ignored as it just does not have the same impact.

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