[PLUG] Re-establishing ICMP ping Capability

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Mon Jan 16 19:19:52 UTC 2012

On Mon, 16 Jan 2012, wes wrote:

> I'm betting the latter - domain related changes would not affect IP
> related services.


   Once again, you win the Kewpie doll.

> Most home routers come with pings disabled these days.

   I've had this guy in service for about a decade. Don't know if that
qualifies as 'these days.' Regardless, ...

> You most likely will not be able to enable it specifically. ICMP is a
> separate protocol, at the same level as TCP and UDP.

   Depite looking at all pages several times, I consistently missed seeing
the checkbox at the bottom of the Ports page: 'Respond to Ping on Internet WAN
Port'. Just checked that box so if someone will give it a try now we can
confirm that it works.



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