[PLUG] REALITY CHECK - was [Re: "Debian netinst.iso" vs "Wifi hot spot"]

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Wed Jul 25 18:44:37 UTC 2012

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 13:14:39 -0500
Richard Owlett <rowlett at cloud85.net> dijo:

>> It would probably be much more pleasant to install from the
>> installation DVD. Even if the library wifi does work, what happens
>> when later you want to install another package or maybe even
>> reinstall. Then you have to do it over the modem or head down to the
>> Library. You can buy the installation DVD's for about $3 - $6 from
>> several places http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/#us. Somebody in the
>> group might even have a copy to send you.

>Solving the wrong problem [*GRIN*]
>Installs fine from any of several versions of the LiveCD.
>WiFi works fine after those installs.
>The problem with _those_ installs is that you get something 
>claiming "to be everything to everybody". Even P.T. Barnum 
>knew better ;)
>I have been told that netinst is capable of the fine control 
>of *initially* installed packages that I desire. Besides 
>netinst should work. There's a subtle bub in here somewhere. 
>I'm retired. Therefore have time to searching and testing 
>that various people suggest.

I understand why you don't want the install DVD. 

There is a debian listserv. You might find more expert help there.


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