[PLUG] Live by the GUI, die by the GUI

Fred James fredjame at fredjame.cnc.net
Thu Nov 29 01:57:20 UTC 2012

David Fleck wrote:
> OK, now I've done it.  I'm trying to import some new pictures from my
> digital camera to digikam, only to discover that somehow I have horked up
> my digikam (1.2.0) UI such that I can no longer get any toolbars -
> including the one that allows me to import new pictures - to show up
> across the top of the window.  I can manipulate the existing albums and
> pictures no problem - but the toolbars appear to be irrevokably lost.
> Any suggestions on how to get a usable user interface back!?
> --
> David Fleck
> david.fleck at mchsi.com
At the risk of sounding (fill-in-the-blank) ... reboot! Unfortunately 
some software is just as flaky as M$ could make it.
Fred James

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