[PLUG] Permission Denied trying to transfer from a shared directory on Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 12.04

Richard C. Steffens rsteff at comcast.net
Thu Oct 25 23:05:46 UTC 2012

All the talk about problems with Ubuntu 12 reminded me that I need to 
migrate from 10.04 before next spring. I now have a machine I can use to 
experiment on. I've got whichever flavor of Debian one gets when one 
goes to the Debian download site. With that installed I can transfer 
files from my Ubuntu 10.04 system as long as I have the directory on my 
10.04 sharing set.

I also installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my experimenting machine.

When I try to transfer a file from my 10.04 machine to the 12.04 machine 
I get a "Permission denied" error message. How do I start figuring out 
what to tweak to fix this?



Dick Steffens

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