[PLUG] Interesting question came up on the way to fixing a Windows system

Martin A. Brown martin at linux-ip.net
Sat Dec 6 21:26:52 UTC 2014

Hi there,

> Is there a way to determine which 'program' on a Linux box is 
> creating network traffic.

There's a pretty powerful (general purpose Unix) tool called 'lsof' 
which ships with, or is available on most distributions (that I 
have used).  The command-line syntax for the tool is not the most 
convenient, however, the tool does precisely what you want.  If you 
know the number of the local port, you can use lsof to get the 
process ID (and some other useful info).

Suppose you suspect that a user on your multiuser system is browsing 
the 'www.pdxlinux.org' site with a raw TCP connection tool, a 
heart-rendingly awful and strictly forbidden activity (only w3m, 
lynx and elinks are allowed by policy!), and you know the port that 
the user is connecting from (here it is just a random high port):

   $ lsof -n -P -M -i -- 4 at
   socat   25285 mabrown    3u  IPv4 2650646      0t0  TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

OK, so we know we need to chastise this 'mabrown' character, but we 
can see that he is using 'socat'.

The options I like to add:

   -n   turn off hostname lookup
   -M   turn off any portmapper lookups
   -P   turn off port name lookup
   -i   the description of the port / socket to look up

Of course, 'lsof' has about four hundred other options and 
invocation parameters.  If you simply want an inventory of the 
all open files, drop the '-i <name>' option.  There's much data to 
be had here.

Good luck and enjoy,


Martin A. Brown

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