[PLUG] Compile error

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Thu Jun 26 00:54:09 UTC 2014

On Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:07:50 -0700
Jeff Kirsher <jeffrey.t.kirsher at intel.com> dijo:

>google is your friend.

In this case Google fails to speak a language I can understand. I know
zero about programming.

>Without doing the search, I figured it had to do with QT and their
>While this is not your "exact error" this link may provide more
>insight in how to fix the issue:

Thanks for the link. It didn't really help, although it gave me some
more ideas to google on. Unfortunately, I don't understand much of what
I read.

Apparently the make command uses stuff found in a text file called
sleepyhead.pro. I read it and there were some references to serialport
and qextserialport, but I don't know exactly what I need to fix. I
searched in Synaptic for "qt" and "serial" and several other
possibilities, but didn't come up with anything that sounded like it
might be what is missing.

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