[PLUG] Are dependences obsolete?

Paul Heinlein heinlein at madboa.com
Wed Mar 19 15:31:38 UTC 2014

On Tue, 18 Mar 2014, Wayne E. Van Loon Sr. wrote:

> Most of you probably know this, but what you are talking about is 
> the difference between static and dynamic linking. When using static 
> linking, all the libraries needed by the program are inserted into 
> the executable code. Depending upon the environment on the target 
> machine, statically linked programs usually run faster, are more 
> portable, but require more disk and memory space.

Static linking also means that if there's a bug or vulnerability in a 
supporting library, every binary compiled against that library has to 
be updated individually.

For example, if there were a vulnerability in libcrypt, roughly 300 
binaries on one of my CentOS 6 servers would have to be rebuilt, 
repackaged, and reinstalled.

Paul Heinlein
heinlein at madboa.com
45°38' N, 122°6' W

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