[PLUG] No Incoming Mail: Help Needed

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue May 27 16:45:54 UTC 2014

   I can send mail out, ping external servers, and access Web sites but I've
received no incoming mail since Frontier changed my IP address (again) at
6:30 am today. I'd appreciate help via phone (503-667-4517) as I cannot read
any incoming messages.

   On the namecheap site I see that dynamic DNS is enabled for my domains but
did not find the current IP address (to check with what I show here) since
they changed their Web pages.

   Restarted postfix successfully. /var/log/maillog shows the previous test
message to plug-talk as being sent.

   There must be something I missed checking but I've no idea what it might
be. Haven't had this situation before where restarting postfix didn't solve
the problem.


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