[PLUG] Fetchmail vs. Getmail

Russell Johnson russ at dimstar.net
Mon Sep 1 21:17:50 UTC 2014

On Aug 31, 2014, at 8:26 AM, Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> wrote:

>   For sub-domains I have mail, salmo, and lists; the first two have the
> dynamic IP address, the third the static one.
>   I thought the sub-domain hosts should be CNAME type, but that's not what
> the support person wrote.

Many many schools of thought as to whether one should use a CNAME or an A record. Some people say that CNAMEs should never be used, but I use them judiciously. 

The main drawback to using a CNAME is that it forces a second lookup to find what it’s pointing at. So if you look up a CNAME for ‘mail.appl-ecosys.com’, it says “that’s at ‘appl-ecosys.com’”, then your system has to do another lookup to find that ‘appl-ecosys.com’ is at

If they are all A records, then no second lookup is needed. 

However, if you are keeping track of your dynamic IP, the fewer records you have to update the better, IMNSHO. :)

Russell Johnson
russ at dimstar.net

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