[PLUG] Identifying Why One Web Site Will Not Load [RESOLVED]

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu Sep 18 16:52:52 UTC 2014

On Thu, 18 Sep 2014, Bill Barry wrote:

> The idea is that the grass.osgeo.org webserver is looking up the PTR
> record for the external IP address of the machine that is running your web
> browser. In your case it is the same as your MX address.


   Ah, yes. Now I'm back on the right page.

> host mail.appl-ecosys.com
> mail.appl-ecosys.com has address
> dig -x

> ;     IN      PTR

> Which shows no PTR record.

   Isn't the above the PTR record, or is it asking what would be the PTR
record for that reverse address?


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