[PLUG] Chromium Issue

Ken Stephens kens at cad2cam.com
Thu Apr 16 04:34:25 UTC 2015

Rich Shepard wrote:
>     I don't often use chromium, but have not had any issues before now in
> invoking it. Now, I get these errors:
> [rshepard at salmo ~]$ chromium
> [10728:10728:0415/152330:ERROR:shared_memory_posix.cc(232)] Creating shared
> memory in /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.QBKQk0 failed: Permission denied
> [10728:10728:0415/152330:ERROR:shared_memory_posix.cc(235)] Unable to
> access(W_OK|X_OK) /dev/shm: Permission denied
> [10728:10728:0415/152330:FATAL:shared_memory_posix.cc(237)] This is
> frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm.  Try 'sudo chmod
> 1777 /dev/shm' to fix.
> Aborted
> [rshepard at salmo ~]$ [10755:10755:0415/152330:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(325)]
> InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-proces
>     Currently installed are chromium-41.0.2272.101-i486-1alien and chromium-pepperflash-plugin-
> from Eric's Slackware repository.
>     Suggestions about where to look for a solution needed as /dev/shm is not
> available when I try to display permissions.
> Rich

I am running Fedora 20:

Here's the df -h output:
devtmpfs                 2.8G     0  2.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs                    2.9G   37M  2.8G   2% /dev/shm
tmpfs                    2.9G 1012K  2.9G   1% /run
tmpfs                    2.9G     0  2.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/fedora-root   50G   29G   18G 62% /
tmpfs                    2.9G   32K  2.9G   1% /tmp
/dev/sda1                477M  230M  219M  52% /boot
/dev/mapper/fedora-home   92G   38G   50G  43% /home

Here's the ls -hal of /dev/shm
total 212K
drwxrwxrwt.  2 root root  220 Apr 15 21:11 .
drwxr-xr-x. 21 root root 3.5K Apr 15 08:06 ..
-rwx------.  1 gdm  gdm   65M Apr 15 08:06 pulse-shm-2442712175
-rwx------.  1 xxx xxx  65M Apr 15 12:00 pulse-shm-2601772043
.com.google.Chrome.0TO1XH (deleted)

Look's like it belongs to the sound system of pulse audio.

What happens if you create the file system:

mkdir /dev/shm
mount -osize=1gb shm /dev/shm -t tmpfs

Will chrome start then?


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