[PLUG] [OT?] Do functional cell phones exist?

Denis Heidtmann denis.heidtmann at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 16:41:51 UTC 2015

On Tue, 22 Dec 2015, Richard Owlett wrote:
> > I'm a senior citizen who has been referred to as living "out past
> > Estacada, even." As a convert from Windoz(tm) to *nix I presume "do 1
> > thing. Do it well." Elderly relatives demand that I obtain cell
> > connectivity. I will cave in to their demands *IF* I can find a hand held
> > object capable of placing VOICE telephone calls that is *NOT* a disguised
> > main-frame of yesteryear.

Elderly relatives are demanding; you are demanding.  The two demands are
mutually exclusive.  You need to decide which of the two are going to be
ignored or changed.

If it is the second demand, you might look into TracPhone.  They sell
"minutes" which carry over from one service days purchase to the next.  I
have a flip phone that has 713 minutes and 101 service days left.  I will
never use all the minutes.

If it is the first demand, you are all set.


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