[PLUG] The Right Tool For the Job

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue Jul 28 13:02:43 UTC 2015

On Mon, 27 Jul 2015, David Gibbons wrote:

> Rather than creating a temp file, you can also subshell out and cat the
> current contents, this executes before the command that wraps it so you
> don't worry about clobbering the contents before reading them.


   This has turned out to be both more complex (the build fails on the same
file each time, yet modifying each .py file in that subdirectory makes no
difference) and more simple (the code is supposed to check for the wxPython
version in only one place.

   However, while that version-checking function incorporates a case
statement which includes versions > 2.10, it's apparently confused by seeing
two installed versions meeting that criterion. There is an environment
variable, GRASS_WXVERSION, which I can set when I figure in whose
environment it belongs. Doesn't do squat in ~/.bash_profile.

   Still a work in progress.



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