[PLUG] Configuring Dual SSD/spinning HD System

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sat Oct 24 13:15:06 UTC 2015

On Fri, 23 Oct 2015, chris (fool) mccraw wrote:

> I think you should put /opt on the SSD.  It is, for the effects of this
> conversation, "your OS".  Nearly every other distro keeps all of its meat
> in /usr, i guess slackware uses /opt for the installed packages instead.


   Over the years this issue repeats on the slackware mail list or
linuxquestions. Purists say all executables should go in /usr and
custom-built, company-specific applications should be installed in
/usr/local. Yet, applications such as google-earth and jgnash install by
default in /opt. To me it's similar to asking if you keep your wallet in the
left or right pocket of you pants.

   Candidly, I don't know why it should matter. If a SysAdmin sets up the
server to put certain non-distribution provided applications in /usr,
/usr/local, or /opt, so what? Reminds me of the old claims that any problem
could be resolved by switching to debian, or a different DE, or text editor,
etc. I tend to put stuff I build in /opt and let third-party developers
install the applications I build where they want them: /usr/local or /opt.
SlackBuilds.org installs everything in /usr, along with the packages that
come on the distribution DVD.

   If I'm mis-guided in my thinking, please educate me.


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