[PLUG] I have an Ansible joke...

Tim tim-pdxlug at sentinelchicken.org
Thu Sep 1 15:35:11 UTC 2016

> Because I am doing much operating systems work at the shell, this may be 
> "most of what I do". :( Note that often lua is chosen in close-to-the-OS 
> situations.

I'm really not sure *why* there's such a performance hit in some
libraries, and it probably varies from one library to the next.
Obviously when spawning any external program, you will always take a
big hit no matter which language you're calling from.  If you can
batch together as much of your library work as possible, you should be
able to get by.

Another nugget of info: I have a library I wrote in C and wrote some
Python bindings for it.  Typical use cases require a lot of
back-and-forth between Python and the library.  Tests under Python 3.x
were 10%-20% faster than 2.x.

> > Have you looked at the Python profilers?  This may require you to run
> > the process again under the profiler (can't attach to a running
> > process, AFAIK), but it's an option.
> Obviously I haven't. As in: https://docs.python.org/2/library/profile.html ?

Yup, exactly.  I haven't used them a lot, but that would be a good
starting point.

> Thanks!

No prob.


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