[PLUG] Needed: Modern equivalent of a "null-modem cable"

Russell Senior russell at personaltelco.net
Mon Jan 16 15:37:28 UTC 2017

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Owlett <rowlett at cloud85.net> writes:

Richard> "What is to be done" is not the problem.  The problem is doing
Richard> on the Windows machine.  The various web references I've found
Richard> which even mention use of fixed IP addresses point at Windows
Richard> tools which implicitly/explicitly presume *EVERYBODY'S* goal is
Richard> an internet connection. *NOT* my goal ;) Also, as a side note,
Richard> both machines have WiFi.  My goal is wired connection.  A more
Richard> general goal is education.  A lot of my background is ~40 years
Richard> out of date.

This isn't a windows mailing list.  However, I found this by searching:
"how to configure a static IP on windows xp" (which I think I remember
is what you are trying to do):


Start at step 5. Ignore the testing internet connectivity.  In step 9,
set anything you'd like for the default gateway and DNS servers, or use
what is shown.  It won't matter, since you won't really be using them. 

Russell Senior, President
russell at personaltelco.net

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