[PLUG] Wanted: automated incoming mail system test tool

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Mon Oct 2 20:11:28 UTC 2017

On Mon, 2 Oct 2017, Keith Lofstrom wrote:

> After a mail transfer failure (stemming from a subtle DNS
> misconfiguration), I realized I have no automated tools to keep track of
> the health of the incoming mail processes.


   On my server logwatch sends me a daily e-mail message summarizing all
systems. The postfix log is extensive and shows me any configuration or
other errors I've made or that others have made. Right after that runs
pflogsumm runs (attached, but stripped on the mail list's copy). Rather than
waiting 42 hours to fix something you'll get a daily view of what happed the
day before.

-------------- next part --------------
# /etc/cron.daily/1pflogsumm
# This file is run on a daily basis to analyse your mail logs.
# The file is named "1pflogsumm" to ensure that it is run before logrotate
# when the /var/log/maillog files are rotated.
# More information at http://jimsun.linxnet.com/postfix_contrib.html
# uncomment the next line to completely disable the daily cronjob
# exit 0

# below added by RBS to try to find why script sometimes does not run
#set -x  > log_error.txt 2>&1

# Default location of the log file, if not learnt from LOGFILE
[ -z "${LOGFILE}" ] && [ -f /var/log/maillog ] && LOGFILE=/var/log/maillog

TMPDIR=/etc/postfix	# default directory for temporary executable, better than /tmp
TMPEXE=pfls.tmp.$$	# name of executable if Date::Calc module not available

#OPTIONS="-d today --verp_mung=2 --problems_first --iso_date_time  -q -u 10 -h 10"
OPTIONS="-d yesterday --verp_mung=2 --problems_first --iso_date_time  -q -u 10 -h 10"
SUBJECT="`hostname` Daily Mail Report for `LC_TIME=C date +\"%A, %d %B %Y\"`"
# Send report to $REPORT_TO if defined, or postmaster@"hostname" otherwise
[ -z "${REPORT_TO}" ] && REPORT_TO="rshepard at appl-ecosys.com"
SENDMAIL_OPTS="-oi -t -v"

# Clean up when done or when aborting.
trap "test -r ${TMPDIR}/${TMPEXE} && rm -f ${TMPDIR}/${TMPEXE}" 0 1 2 3 15 

# uncomment the next line to disable retrieval of mail statistics
# exit 0

# Check mail log file exists or exit
[ ! -r "${LOGFILE}" ] && [ -r /var/log/maillog ] && LOGFILE=/var/log/maillog
[ ! -r "${LOGFILE}" ] && { echo "$0: Can not find a readable mail log file - exiting"; exit 1; }

# if we are not root, use a different TMPDIR
[ `id -u` = 0 ] || TMPDIR=/tmp

# Check pflogsumm.pl exists and exclude the use of Perl's Date::Calc module if it is not available
[ -r ${EXECUTABLE} ] || { echo "$0: ${EXECUTABLE} not found - exiting"; exit 1; }
[ -d ${TMPDIR} ] || { echo "$0: ${TMPDIR} is not a directory - exiting"; exit 1; }
perl -e 'use Date::Calc;' 2>/dev/null || {
    sed -e '/# ---Begin:/,/# ---End:/d' < ${EXECUTABLE} > ${TMPDIR}/${TMPEXE}
    chmod u=rx,go= ${TMPDIR}/${TMPEXE} || echo "$0: warning - unable to set permissions on ${TMPDIR}/${TMPEXE}"
# Ensure the ${EXECUTABLE} and sendmail binaries exist before proceeding
[ -x ${EXECUTABLE} ] || { echo "$0: ${EXECUTABLE} not executable - exiting"; exit 1; }
[ -x ${SENDMAIL} ] || { echo "$0: ${SENDMAIL} not found or not executable - exiting"; exit 1; }
cat <<EOF
Subject: ${SUBJECT}

Report based on information in ${LOGFILE}

echo "Report ended with status: $?" ) | ${SENDMAIL} ${SENDMAIL_OPTS}

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