[PLUG] Moving/copying old home to new machine

Michael michael at jamhome.us
Tue Sep 12 10:41:51 UTC 2017

Paul, Russel,

Both of you have used relative terms in describing sizes.

What is small-ish?

Please describe in terms file count, aggregate size of data, or other 

If nothing else it will provide some humor in the future. "They 
considered that VERY LARGE? hahahaha" "small-ISH? it's less than a disk 
block, that's tiny."

On 2017-09-05 09:42, Paul Heinlein wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Sep 2017, Denis Heidtmann wrote:
>> I am wanting to copy my home folder from my old machine to my new one. 
>>  I
>> was planning on putting either the old or the new drive in a usb dock 
>> and
>> copying everything over using cp -pr.  But web comments mention rsync.
>> What are the risks/rewards of the various choices?
> For a one-time copy of a small-ish directory tree, either will probably 
> suffice.
> If you experience a mid-copy failure, rsync won't recopy any files
> that have already been copies, whereas cp will just start again from
> the beginning.
> As someone else mentioned, rsync can work over the network.
> rsync over a network can handle the situation where your UID/GID on
> the source system is different from that on the destination.
> Typically "cp" will be somewhat faster while rsync Pauwill be safer and
> more flexible.
> Personally, I'm a fan of using tar over ssh for initial copies,
> because tar handles hard and soft links gracefully and quickly:
> cd /home
> tar cf - yourdir | ssh your.new.host "cd /home && tar xf -"
> # if you're really seeking safety, then run sync too.
> # XXX: note lack of trailing slash in source directory.
> rsync -av  /home/yourdir  your.new.host:/home
> Of course, that just muddies the water of your original question. :-)

       Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon
     Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity

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