Michael Christopher Robinson michael at robinson-west.com
Sat Feb 23 19:47:27 UTC 2019

Stands for Carbon Copy Cloner.  Is there an open source free
alternative for Mac OS X Mojave that is just as good?

I'm wanting to back up to my FreeNAS 11.2 NAS, but CCC doesn't support
bootable backups to remote hard drives.   Uge!  I'm currently using the
trial version and evaluating it.  If I can't make a bootable backup, I
can at least see what the next best thing is...

I tried BRU, didn't work.  I have BackupPC on FreeNAS as an option,
don't know how to set it up though.  One backup program for Mac, Linux,
and Windows would be preferable.

     -- Michael Robinson

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