[PLUG] Convert .wav to .mp3 in Slackware 14.2

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Wed Feb 27 05:59:49 UTC 2019

On 2/26/19 8:40 PM, King Beowulf wrote:
> On 2/25/19 11:40 AM, Dick Steffens wrote:
>> I am ripping some CDs and converting the .wav files to .mp3. I can do
>> this with the following in Ubuntu 18.04:
>> for file in *.wav; do ffmpeg -i "${file}"  -acodec libmp3lame -ab 220k
>> "${file/.wav/.mp3}"; done
>> When I run that in Slackware 14.2 I get the error message:
>> Unknown encoder 'libmp3lame'
>> I have installed slackpkgs for ffmpeg and lame. I'm guessing that the
>> codec provided by the slackpkg has a different name. How do I figure
>> that out? Or is there something else I'm missing here?
> Dick
> Once you have the WAV files, you can use lame directly to convert:
> lame -q 2 --abr 220 file.wav file.mp3
> for average bitrate of 220k
> q n selects the acoustic algorithm to improve quality (5 is default).
> see 'man lame' for more settings as well as CBR and VBR bitrate parameters.

Good to know. But since I discovered that k3b will do everything in one 
step, I'm happy with that. Next one I do I'll try running lame on a file 
still on the CD and see how that works. That's what I can do with k3b.

> PS: use flac.  mp3 quality sucks donkey balls.

K3b will also combine the whole CD's worth of .wav files into one .mp3 
(or .wav or flac). I don't expect to listen to any of them on anything 
other than a Linux based player, so I might switch to flac.


Dick Steffens

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