[PLUG] Allow user to shutdown host

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed Feb 27 23:26:53 UTC 2019

On Wed, 27 Feb 2019, Smith, Cathy wrote:

> You can just set up an alias in .bashrc or whatever file is used for aliases.  That's what I do for folks here.  I have a group set up for people needing to use a command.  I edit the sudoers file once to set things up.  It looks like
> 	  %hradmin  ALL=/usr/local/bin/hradmin.sh
> I make the hradmin group a secondary group for the user.  For example, for the user account greg
> 	usermod -a -G hradmin  greg
> Then Gregg has in his .bashrc
> 	alias hradmin='sudo /usr/local/bin/hradmin.sh'


Thanks very much. I always learn so much from you professional
system/network admins.

> Names have been changed to protect the innocent.


Best regards,


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