[PLUG] Android chrome and safety warning...

Michael Christopher Robinson michael at robinson-west.com
Tue Jan 15 13:08:24 UTC 2019

I had an ill advised browsing session on my Android smart phone.  I was
looking for porn sites and we'll leave it at that.  Little did I know,
Chrome has a list builtin of sites that can track you and most porn
sites request to be on that list.  This list by the way doesn't clear
if you clear cache and cookies.  The reason I'm mentioning this is to
warn others that you can get texted the next day because of Chrome's
internal list which is potentially very dangerous.

Number one, don't surf porn sites.

Number two, get ready to clear the list of sites allowed to contact and
track you if you do using Chrome browser on an Android device.

Number three, most porn sites take away control of Chrome till you
click accept.  Better to open another tab, clear cache and history, 
and close the tab that the porn site is on, see Number one.  

If you click on block, you will populate another list of sites that
aren't allowed to contact you which could be embarrassing later to say
the least.  It can easily take twenty minutes to clear site lists as I
don't see a way to purge the lists programmatically.

Number four, don't use Chrome at all (hard possibly on Android phone).

Number five, consider the Spin browser or use covenant eyes 
(crutches that won't work perhaps if you are a computer geek).

It is embarassing to mention my poor browsing habit that pops up
occassionally, but my purpose is to warn others that there is a danger
if those sex sites are tracking people and encourage a discussion on
how to stay safe.  You may not have a porn habit, but everyone needs to
remain safe.  I think Google deserves harsh criticism roundly for
helping porn sites track people.  I would go a step further and say
that these sites are human trafficking and need to be shut down if they
are actively trying to create sexual hookups between total strangers.

Of course this feature of Chrome can lead to you being tracked by sites
that want you to gamble or do drugs or whatever else bad you can think
of, for those who think porn is harmless.

I've been trying to kick my habit, Google and Chrome being major
stumbling blocks for me.

      -- Michael Robinson

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