[PLUG] Help with email scripts...

Michael Christopher Robinson michael at robinson-west.com
Sun Jun 23 22:54:47 UTC 2019

I am having trouble using grep to grab subject lines from my spam
folder on eskimo.  Some of the subject lines are unintelligible because
they are utf8xxxxxxx and are probably part of a larger html message.
Is there a slick way to get the subject line without reading the whole
entire message in an html browser?

Attached are two scripts.  The spam_dump.bash script is supposed to
dump the spam folder and be used once a week.  I wonder if the gurus
here can take a look and see if I can do this better?  The
spam_check.bash script is supposed to grep the subject lines of all
the messages in the spam folder, but some of them are utf8 encoded
and unintelligible as plain text.

I retrieve email for robinson-west.com from eskimo north, so I came
up with an idea of fetching just a subject list of messages in a spam
folder and automating the dumping of that spam folder.

    -- Michael C. Robinson

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