[PLUG] Xbuntu starts up in a low resolution mode

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Sat Jan 25 20:35:56 UTC 2020

On 1/24/20 3:55 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Jan 2020 13:25:20 -0800
> Dick Steffens <dick at dicksteffens.com> dijo:
>> I'm using v6.0. If I remove the old one, I'll need to import my two
>> virtual machines again, right?
> I have done this, and it couldn't be simpler. There is a folder in
> your home directory ~/.VirtualBox. Each of your installations has just
> about everything it needs contained in a large .vdi file. But there are
> also logs and a few other things elsewhere in the ~/.VirualBox folder,
> so it's easier just to copy the entire folder to somewhere else, then
> rename the ~/VirtualBox folder, do whatever uninstall/install/reinstall
> stuff you want, then copy the ~/.VirtualBox folder back. When you
> launch your new VirtualBox, there will be your machines, ready to
> launch.

Success. I downloaded 
virtualbox-6.1_6.1.2-135662~Ubuntu~bionic_amd64.deb and 
Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.2.vbox-extpack and installed 
them. Virtual box came up and ran both of my virtual machines.

Thanks, John, for the assurance that the virtual machines would still be 
there, and thanks, Tomas, for recommending I upgrade to v6.1.

I applied this procedure to both ENU-2, my desktop machine, and to my 
Lenovo X200 tablet (they call it a tablet, but it's a laptop).

Now, back to figuring out how to fix the nVidia problem on ENU-2.


Dick Steffens

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