[PLUG] SOLVED Make cron send an e-mail upon completion

John Jason Jordan johnxj at gmx.com
Wed Jan 29 20:33:08 UTC 2020

I have given up on mail and .Xauthority and DISPLAY. Mail is too much
trouble, and getting a root cron job to pop up a message on my desktop
may never work because of settings in my desktop environment. At some
point you have to pull the plug, and I have now officially given up on
those approaches.

Instead I have just added the following line to the script:

echo "$TS Home Backup Done Exit Status $?" > /home/jjj/Software/Rsync_daily_log.txt

This works, and I have created another cron job in my own user crontab
to use gxmessage to pop up the results of that file on y desktop at
4am. It will be there when I sit down at the computer in the morning.

I probably should have done this from the beginning, but the efforts
have been educational, so the experience has been useful, even if

Thanks to all who offered help. :)

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