[PLUG] Changing default font size for X

John Jason Jordan johnxj at gmx.com
Fri Jan 31 01:10:34 UTC 2020

On Thu, 30 Jan 2020 13:31:29 -0800
John Jason Jordan <johnxj at gmx.com> dijo:

>Considering that the Xfce login window is also half the size that it
>needs to be, or less, with the same tiny font, it occurs to me that the
>entire X system is one quarter the size I need it to be (3840x2160 = 4x
>as many pixels as 1920x1080). X seems to be stuck with settings from
>the last millennium. Hopefully I can fix it.

I still need to fix the X font size, but I have solved the problem with
the missing popup notifications (I think).

First, remember that xmessage is the only popup tool that will work
without an error message, and I couldn't get it to display its message
in a human-readable font size. I finally solved that problem. This
command does the job:

/usr/bin/xmessage -fn '-urw-*-*-r-*--40-0-0-0-p-*-*-*'
-file /home/jjj/Software/Rsync_daily_log.txt

Note that '40' is the pixel size, and 'urw' means fonts from URW,
which are installed by most distros. I didn't pay much attention to the
meaning of the rest of the aserisks.

Having fixed the fot size in xmessage, I couldn't get cron to pop up the
message, even thought the above command executes for me at the command
line without error. Someone on Ubuntu forums told me that I need
'DISPLAY=:0:0' in front of the command in the cron job. And I saw that
in /var/log/syslog there were constant error messages from cron
bitching that it couldn't send mail. So I added 'MAILTO=""' in front of
the line. My crontab now looks like:

0 5 * * * MAILTO="" DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/xmessage -fn
-file /home/jjj/Software/Rsync_daily_log.txt

I started by setting it to run every minute with * * * * * to test it,
and it seems to be popping up the message.

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