[PLUG] Help needed with microphone and headphones [RESOLVED]

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue May 26 14:49:43 UTC 2020

On Mon, 25 May 2020, Rich Shepard wrote:

> For sound monitoring I plugged in the Yamaha headset's phone control on
> the desktop's front panel; the mic plug is not connected. My problem is
> that pavucontrol shows the device as HD Audio generic analog stereo with
> the port as Headphones (unplugged). I cannot find where to turn on the
> headphones.

Very strange ... at least, to me.

Today, with the AudioTech mic connected and on, and the headset phones
plugged into the desktop's front panel connector, pulseaudio-ctl displays

Volume level     : 100 %
  Is sink muted    : no
  Is source muted  : no
  Detected sink    : 0
  Detected source  : 0

Yesterday, with the same setup it deteceted on sink and 4 sources. I've no
idea why there's a difference. Regardless, ...

While pavucontrol shows the headphones unplugged, I opened a video and the
sound came through the headphones.

Reading the man pages for pulseaudio-ctl and pavucontrol and looking for
more knowledge on the web still leaves me with no understanding of why I'm
seeing what I do in these two applications. Yet, as long as the mic and
headphones work I can get stuff done.

Perhaps some day I'll increase my understanding of pulseaudio.

Hope you all had a fun and safe Memorial Day,


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