[PLUG] Emacs: appending columns

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu Jul 1 22:51:05 UTC 2021

On Thu, 1 Jul 2021, Tomas Kuchta wrote:

> Are you seriously publishing other people SSNs for everyone on the net?


As I wrote,
>> Using factory I created lists of SSNs, names, and addreses. Now I want to
>> combine the SSNs and names, row-by-row, as they're in the same database
>> table.

See: https://pypi.org/project/Factory/

Project description


Factory is an object-oriented approach to partial function application, also
known as currying. The Factory module is a more powerful implementation of
this pattern. Some improvements include:

  - safer, as invalid arguments are detected immediately, instead of at call
  - intelligent support for classes, instance methods & all other callables
  - bound arguments can be inspected and modified as attributes
  - several convenient methods for (re)binding arguments
  - no “Russian dolls” of nested lambdas


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