Dan Haskell danh at fork.com
Wed Jun 30 05:53:31 UTC 2004

                         MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT

                    The Portland Linux/Unix Group
                              will meet
                    7 PM Thursday July 1, 2004
                      Portland State University
                                in the
                        Smith Memorial Center
                               Room 298
                       On the block bounded by
   SW Montgomery, SW Broadway (7th), SW Harrison, and SW Park (9th)


	      Greylisting and a Look at the Anti-Spam Landscape


				 Hal Pomeranz
			      <hal at deer-run.com>

       Black lists (both automated and not), white lists,
       keyword/regexp/Bayesian filters, SPF, and now "greylisting"-- where
       will the continuing anti-spam arms race take us next?  This talk
       includes an overview of current anti-spam techniques with some
       thoughts on their relative pros and cons, and a more in-depth look at
       the recently available "greylisting" technique, which is proving
       amazingly effective at blocking certain classes of spam.
       Hal Pomeranz is the technical lead and official spam eradicator for
       Deer Run Associates, a small consulting firm (recently relocated to
       Eugene, OR).  But this is merely his "mild-mannered secret identity"
       that hides his exploits as a Faculty Member and Senior Unix Instructor
       for the SANS Institute, Technical Advisor for the Center for Internet
       Security, and Technical Editor for Sys Admin Magazine.


              7:00 - 7:30  Business
                   We will discuss the status of our ongoing projects 
                   including PLUG's monthly Advanced Topics meetings, 
                   PLUG's monthly hands on clinics, PLUG for Education,

              7:30 - 8:30  Presentation
                   See above
              9:00 - ...  Beer
                                  The Lucky Labrador Brewing Company
                                  915 SE Hawthorne
                                          David Mandel
                                          Chief Activist
                                          Portland Linux/Unix Group
                                          560 SE Alexander
                                          Corvallis, Oregon 97333
                                          (541) 684-4644 at work
                                          (541) 730-5285 mobile
                                          dmandel at pdxLinux.org
          P.S.  Biznix which specializes in Linux and UNIX support for 
                the Business Computer User meets on the second 
                Thursday of the month at the Novell offices in Tigard.
                See http://www.Bizix.org for details.
          P.S.  PDXLUG provides a less formal alternative to PLUG 
                emphasizing the needs of new users.   PDXLUG meets 
                every second Thursday of the month in southeast Portland.
                See http://www.PDXLUG.org for details.

          P.S.  The Mid Willamette Valley Linux Users Group meets at
                Oregon State University (generally Owen Hall room 101)
                on the first Tuesday of the month.
                See http://www.mwvlug.org/ for details.
          P.S.  The Eugene Linux Users Group meets several times a month.
                See http://www.euglug.org for details.

   David Mandel, Instructor            http://www.PioneerPacific.edu
                          Other Affiliations
   David Mandel                        http://www.DavidMandel.com
   Portland Linux/Unix Group           http://pdxLinux.org
   LinuxFund                           http://LinuxFund.org

PLUG mailing list
PLUG at lists.pdxlinux.org

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