[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] ANNOUNCEMENT: Advanced Topics December 21st, 2005

Alan alan at clueserver.org
Fri Dec 9 06:53:45 UTC 2005

Portland Linux/Unix Group Advanced Topics

Speaker:            Randal Schwartz	

Subject:            mod_perl 2.0
Date:               December 21st 2005
Time:               7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location:           Jax 826 SW 2nd Ave
                    Portland, OR

Randal will be speaking on mod_perl 2.0.  What has changed, how to use
it, and why you should care.  Anyone who uses Apache and Perl will be
especially interested in the topic.

Usual meeting rules apply. Happy Hour meal prices for the first hour. 

"All power is derived from the barrel of a GNU." - Mao Tse Stallman

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