[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] ANNOUNCEMENT: Advanced Topics *MONDAY* May 15th, 2006

Alan alan at clueserver.org
Mon May 15 05:18:06 UTC 2006

Portland Linux/Unix Group Advanced Topics

Speaker:            Randal Schwartz	

Subject:            Perl Best Practices
Date:               Monday May 15th 2006
Time:               7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location:           Jax 826 SW 2nd Ave
                    Portland, OR

Randal Schwartz will be speaking on "Perl Best Practices".  How to write
Perl that is not only readable, but maintainable as well. Not just how
you should code, but why it makes for better programs.

Usual meeting rules apply. Happy Hour meal prices for the first hour. 

"All power is derived from the barrel of a GNU." - Mao Tse Stallman		

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