[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] Linux Clinic this Sunday

Aaron Burt aaron at bavariati.org
Thu Apr 12 19:26:57 UTC 2007

Well, it's been an exciting few weeks since the last Linux Clinic.

Debian 4.0 was released.
Ubuntu 7.04 went Beta, and the Release Candidate should be out today.
Fedora 7 Test3 is out.

If you want help installing or configuring these new shiny! distros,
bring a computer to the Linux Clinic.  We'll have CDs and DVDs handy.

It's this Sunday, April 15, from 1PM to 5PM, at Free Geek.
They're at 1731 SE 10th Ave, 2 blocks south of Hawthorne.

There's bus info and links to maps at: http://www.freegeek.org/map.php

Come on by, look for the signs, walk right in the South door, have some
coffee and cookies if you like.

NOTE: Free Geek will be closed that day.  We will have some spare parts
on hand, but if you want to buy hardware to try Linux with, come by the
store today, Friday or Saturday.

Think globally and act neighborly,

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