[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] ANOUNCEMENT: PLUG Advanced Topics June 18th 2007

Alan alan at clueserver.org
Sun Jun 17 17:46:48 UTC 2007

Portland Linux/Unix Group Advanced Topics 

Date:   	June 18th 2007
Time:		7pm
Location:   	Jax Bar
		826 SW 2nd Avenue Portland, Oregon


Speaker:	Russell Senior

Topic:		Testing Metro-WIFI

In early December 2006, MetroFi launched its Proof-of-Concept network.
Caleb Phillips and Russell Senior had participated in a Portland State
University bid to independently test network performance, but the City
of Portland selected someone else instead.  Because we wanted to know,
we decided to do an interesting subset of the testing called for the
City's RFP anyway.

In late March, we presented some preliminary results at the monthly
meeting of the Personal Telco Project.  In mid-May, we completed and
published our report[1].  At the PLUG AT talk, we'll be reviewing our
methodology along with our final results, comment on the official
testing report and other random observations.

[1] <http://unwirepdx-watch.org/files/report.pdf>

Happy Hour prices for the first hour
Standard Meeting Rules apply

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