[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] message about free postgresql sessions on july 22 (fwd)

alan alan at clueserver.org
Mon Jul 16 16:00:12 UTC 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 08:25:07 -0700
From: Selena Deckelmann <computers at chrisking.com>

PDXPUG is organizing a day of PostgreSQL talks Sunday before OSCON.  All are 
welcome to attend!

Our tentative agenda is:

    * How PostgreSQL Development Works, or: 50 Ways to Contribute To PostgreSQL, 
Josh Berkus
    * LedgerSMB Features & Architecture, Chris Travers
    * Time-oriented databases in PostgreSQL, Jeff Davis & Selena Deckelmann
    * PostgreSQL and Solaris for large-scale applications, Theo Schlossnagle
    * Build a PostgreSQL Web 2.0 Application in 10 Minutes, Rob Napier

This is a free event.  If you're feeling generous, the PostgreSQL Fund has 
suggested that you donate $20. The money goes toward the non-profit operations 
that drive development of PostgreSQL.

Please visit: http://pdxgroups.pbwiki.com/PDXPUG%20PostgreSQL%20Day

Add your name to the list of attendees!

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