[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] ANOUNCEMENT: PLUG Advanced Topics August 20th, 2008 7pm
alan at clueserver.org
Sun Aug 17 01:13:43 UTC 2008
PLUG Advanced Topics Meeting
Date: August 20th, 2008
Time: 7pm - 9pm-ish
Location: Jax Bar
826 SW 2nd Ave
Portland, OR
Speaker: Jonathan Leto <jaleto at gmail.com>
Title: Creating CPAN Modules with SWIG
This talk will assume a basic familiarity with Perl and C syntax and
go through the process of creating a CPAN module which uses the
Simplified Wrapper Interface Generator (SWIG) to make an interface
to an existing C library. To be used as a "live" example is Math::GSL,
a Perl module which is part of the Google Summer of Code 2008
and provides an interface to the GNU Scientific Library.
Happy hour food prices for the first hour.
Standard meeting rules apply.
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