[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] [ANNOUNCEMENT] PLUG Advanced Topics November 19th, 2009 **NEW NIGHT and LOCATION**

Alan alan at clueserver.org
Tue Nov 17 00:27:24 UTC 2009

[We're back! Sorry for the downtime. Personal issues ate my brain.]

We have a new location, a new night, and an old time.

Michael Dexter <dexter at linuxfund.org> is helping me keep things organized
and helping with planing.  He will help getting speakers and the like.

PLUG Advanced Topics
November 19th 2009
7pm - 9pm

Location: Club 915
          915 SW 2nd
          Portland, OR

Club 915 is a block south and across the street from where Jax used to be.
Big stone building. Can't miss it.

Topic:  Backporting Linux kernel Drivers with Git
Speaker:  Alan Olsen <alan.r.olsen at intel.com>
          Intel Corp.

The talk will be a demonstration on how to use git to assist in
back-porting drivers from one kernel version to another.  It will include
merging patches, determining what patches are part of the driver you are
backporting, generating patches, etc. I will also have a quick intro to
some of the git concepts I will be using.

Note: This is a new venue.  It is closer to the Max Line than Roots. It
also has more space.  We will see how it works out.

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