[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] March PLUG Advanced Topics: Release your hardware hacker potential with gEDA

Michael Dexter dexter at linuxfund.org
Fri Mar 11 01:20:13 UTC 2011

                ANNOUNCEMENT: PLUG Advanced Topics:

             Embedded Hardware Developer Eric Thompson

        Release your hardware hacker potential with gEDA

  W&W: 7PM Tuesday, March 15th at Free Geek: 1731 SE 10TH AVE

This session will take you step-by-step through the process of creating
an actual printed circuit board using the gEDA suite of electronic
design automation tools. From schematic to gerber files, you can do all
with the open source tools in gEDA.

The gEDA project is a full GPL’d suite of electronic design automation
tools. The suite includes tools for schematic capture, attribute
management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlist creation, analog
and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout.

This session will cover:
- Drawing a block diagram
- Creating parts and drawing a schematic
- Netlist creation and import into the printed circuit board tool
- Layout of the printed circuit board
- Outputting gerber files
- Design verification
- How to have your printed circuit board built

This session will be presented for the beginner and will assume no
previous hardware experience. gEDA website: http://www.gpleda.org/

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