[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] Reminder: September PLUG Advanced Topics: Embedded Linux and GPL compliance

Michael Dexter dexter at ambidexter.com
Fri Sep 14 22:39:58 UTC 2012

Portland Linux/Unix Group Advanced Topics Meeting Announcement

Who: Beth Flanagan, Intel
What: Embedded Linux and GPL compliance
Where: Free Geek, 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland (Left Entrance)
When: Tuesday, September 18th, 2012 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of awesome, open technologies.

Embedded Linux and GPL compliance. How not to make a mess of things.

As Linux becomes more and more common in the consumer device market,
the number of GPL violations found by various compliance
organizations have increased dramatically. We'll discuss how
violations occur, what to do if you find yourself in violation and how
the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded-Core helps you to avoid a costly
GPL violation action.

Beth 'pidge' Flanagan is the maintainer of the licensing
infrastructure for the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded-Core, maintainer
of the yocto-autobuilder and build and release engineer for the Yocto
Project. She has spoken on a wide range of topics over the years, from
GPL compliance in the embedded world to open source firearms. She
works full time on the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded-Core for Intel's
Open Source Technologies Center.

Many will break for the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne afterwards.

Calagator Page: http://calagator.org/events/1250462831

PLUG Page with information about all PLUG events: http://pdxlinux.org/
Follow PLUG on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pdxlinux

See you there!

Michael Dexter
PLUG Volunteer

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