[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] TUESDAY: December PLUG Advanced Topics: Lustre Distributed File System

Michael Dexter dexter at ambidexter.com
Mon Dec 16 07:55:54 UTC 2013

Portland Linux/Unix Group Advanced Topics Meeting Announcement

Who: Robert Stites
What: Lustre Distributed File System
Where: Free Geek, 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland (Left Entrance)
When: Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom

Implementation and use of the Lustre file system within a research

Lustre is a type of parallel distributed file system, generally used for
large-scale cluster computing. (http://lustre.org)

Rob Stites - Research Associate OHSU

Rob works with several compute clusters, each using the Lustre file
system at OHSU. He works with three distinct groups at OHSU; Geonomic
testing, electron microscope image analysis and speech analysis.

Many will head to the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne after the meeting.

Calagator Page: http://calagator.org/events/1250465226

PLUG Page with information about all PLUG events: http://pdxlinux.org/
Follow PLUG on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pdxlinux

See you there!

Michael Dexter
PLUG Volunteer

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