[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] September PLUG Meeting:

Michael Dexter dexter at pdxlinux.org
Thu Aug 23 07:29:13 UTC 2018

Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement

Who: Randal L. Schwartz
What: Building Mobile Apps with Flutter
Where: PSU, 1930 SW 4th Ave. Room FAB 86-01 (Lower Level)
When: Thursday, September 6th, 2018 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom
Stream: http://pdxlinux.org/live

Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps. Flutter 
is a new mobile app SDK to help developers and designers build modern 
mobile apps for iOS and Android. Deliver features faster: refresh times 
so fast, you can "paint" your app to life on hardware, emulators, and 
simulators. Craft beautiful UIs: dDelight your users and make your brand 
stand out with rich motion, smooth scrolling, and beautiful customizable 
components. Used by Google: Flutter is used by Google and others in 
production, works with Firebase and other mobile app SDKs, and is open 
source. Flutter's hot reload helps you quickly and easily experiment, 
build UIs, add features, and fix bug faster. Experience sub-second 
reload times, without losing state, on emulators, simulators, and 
hardware for iOS and Android. Delight your users with Flutter's built-in 
beautiful Material Design and Cupertino (iOS-flavor) widgets, rich 
motion APIs, smooth natural scrolling, and platform awareness. Easily 
compose your UI with Flutter's modern reactive framework and rich set of 
platform, layout, and foundation widgets. Solve your tough UI challenges 
with powerful and flexible APIs for 2D, animation, gestures, effects, 
and more.

Calagator Page: http://calagator.org/events/1250474150

Many will head to the Lucky Lab at 1945 NW Quimby St. after the meeting.

Rideshares to the Lucky Lab available

PLUG is open to everyone and does not tolerate abusive behavior on its 
mailing lists or at its meetings.

PLUG Page with information about all PLUG events: http://pdxlinux.org/
Follow PLUG on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pdxlinux

Michael Dexter
PLUG Volunteer

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