[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] TONIGHT! PLUG Advanced Topics: Clear Linux OS

Michael Dexter dexter at pdxlinux.org
Tue Oct 15 17:36:36 UTC 2019

PLUG Advanced topics returns this Tuesday!

Here is the meetup information:



Who: The Clear Linux Team
What: Beyond the Introduction to Clear Linux OS
Where: Intel, 5200 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Building 3 Auditorium, Hillsboro
When: Tuesday, October 15th, 2019 at 6:30pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom
Stream: http://pdxlinux.org/live

The subject will be Clear Linux - Beyond the basics and will be given by
members of the Clear Linux team.

It will be at the Hawthorne Farms auditorium Tuesday October 15th at
6:30pm. Afters will be at Orenco Taphouse, 1198 NE Orenco Station Pkwy, 

PLUG is open to everyone but does not tolerate abusive behavior on its 
mailing lists or at its meetings.

Alan and Michael
Plug Volunteers

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