[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] Online PLUG Meeting Rules: Have your links handy!

Michael Dexter dexter at pdxlinux.org
Thu Feb 4 06:18:52 UTC 2021


I am not a huge advocate for strict rules with something as in formal as 
PLUG, with the distinct exception of code-of-conduct violations, but 
here's one: Please have every single link ready that you want to mention!

Online meetings are terrible for URL's given verbally. Please have them 
ready to drop into the chat the moment you want to mention them. 
Fortunately, the asynchronous nature of the beast makes this quite easy 
and you get to look like a genius for having a link handy. (Even if you 
spent the last 20 minutes trying to find it.)

Talk to you soon!

Michael Dexter
PLUG Volunteer

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