[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] No speaker, no venue (so far) for June!

Russell Senior russell at pdxlinux.org
Fri May 26 22:15:33 UTC 2023

Still no speaker, but Jason Bergstrom floated the idea of: d) just 
meeting up somewhere for "afters", but not-before-or-after-anything and 
rather in-place-of.

That struck me as fun and desirable. Are other people interested in just 
jumping straight to nerd-socializing at 7pm or something? If so, does 
someone want to suggest a centrally-located venue? My thoughts turn to 
one of the Lucky Labs but let's not let my narrow thinking be limiting.

Russell Senior
russell at pdxlinux.org
PLUG Volunteer

On 5/15/23 23:50, Russell Senior wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I heard from Michael Dexter this evening that he's got an unbreakable 
> engagement on the evening of June 1, which is nominally PLUG General 
> Meeting night. That kind of means we also don't have the venue, 
> because he's an integral part of opening the door and prepping the 
> facilities at the Latvian Center. So, it seems we either: a) skip 
> June; b) find another venue, and if b) then c) find a speaker.
> Thoughts?

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