[PLUG-ANNOUNCE] Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement: Two half-talks

Russell Senior russell at pdxlinux.org
Sat Mar 2 01:40:55 UTC 2024

Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement

Who: Russell Senior
What: Part 1: A Network Relay via Cloud Instance ; Part 2: Retro Linux 
Tape Recovery Show and Tell
Where: 5500 SW Dosch Rd, Portland
When: Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 7pm (Help with chairs a few minutes 
early is always appreciated)
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom


This is going to be a two-part talk, because each of the parts alone 
isn't enough to fill an hour (let's hope).

The first part is going to be a description of how I relay network 
connections from the Internet to my low-volume home-based email server 
to evade potential ISP blockages.

The second part is going to be a show and tell about my resurrection of 
an ancient Linux version in order to recover data from Quarter Inch 
Cartridge tapes and ancillary topics. It will also include a short demo 
of my MS-DOS 5.0 environment also (resurrected from tape) the month 
before I installed Linux for the first time in December 1992.

About Russell:

I am a person for whom the Year of the Linux Desktop started in 1992 and 
has continued annually, uninterrupted. I worked for a couple decades in 
scientific data management and analysis. Since 2005, I have been 
involved with the Personal Telco Project, a volunteer-based 501c3 
non-profit trying to unscrew telecommunications policy in the Portland 
metropolitan area.  I did a short stint in data management for an 
Oceanographic organization when it was housed at OH&SU. I also volunteer 
at Portland State Aerospace Society working on their OreSat program. My 
name, misspelled in glorious circuit board silkscreen, has literally 
been in orbit for most of the last 2 years. I have done a bunch of PLUG 
talks over the years (scrolling through the log, I recognize these):

   2023-03-02 Anatomy of a mailing list meltdown
   2021-10-07 Russell's Excellent High Altitude Balloon Adventure
   2020-01-02 Reading wireless temperature sensors with RTL-SDR and rtl_433
   2019-02-07 PGP Key Storage with a Yubikey 4
   2018-02-01 How to get a Municipal Broadband network in the City of 
   2017-05-04 Going Coastal, Russell's Excellent Adventure at the Center 
for Coastal Margin Observation and Prediction
   2013-06-06 Hacking on the Beagle Bone Black
   2008-11-19 OpenWrt, it's not just for Linksys Routers anymore
   2008-02-07 MetroFi: How Lame is It?
   2005-11-16 Mississippi Grant Project and Personal Telco
   2004-10-20 Detection of electromagnetic fields with Linux
   2003-12-17 Russell’s excellent hardlink adventure (disk-to-disk 
backup systems)

Rules and Requests:

Masks are encouraged but not required.

PLUG is open to everyone and does not tolerate abusive behavior on its 
mailing lists or at its meetings

Do not leave valuables in your car

Calagator Page: https://calagator.org/events/1250480986

Google Maps Link:

Some might head to Hillsdale Brewery & Public House near the Library:

Rideshares likely available

PLUG Page with information about all PLUG events: http://pdxlinux.org/

Russell Senior
PLUG Volunteer
PLUG: https://pdxlinux.org
PLUG-announce mailing list
PLUG-announce at lists.pdxlinux.org

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