[PLUG-JOBS] Contract for Software Development/Consulting

Jim Cser Cser at metro.dst.or.us
Fri Jan 7 21:30:23 UTC 2005

Contract for upcoming project at Metro Regional Center, Portland.
PDF of full  RFP at 

Software Application Enhancement For Metro's Urban Growth Simulation

I. INTRODUCTION Metro, a metropolitan service district organized under
the laws of the State of Oregon and the Metro Charter, located at 600 NE
Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, is requesting proposals from
experienced software development firms to assist in a software
development project. Firms will only be considered with staff located
within Oregon or Southwest Washington. Proposals are due no later than 3
p.m. (PST), January XX, 2005 in Metro's Data Resource Center at 600 NE
Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736. Emailing of proposals is
acceptable by the designated deadline to Richard Bolen at
bolend at metro.dst.or.us. Details concerning the project and proposal
requirements are contained in this document. 

The objective is to improve Metro's growth simulation model-
MetroScope. This model is used by Metro's Planning Department for
predicting future growth patterns and producing alternative growth
scenarios for discussion and analysis. Visual Basic is currently used
but operations are only partially automated, requiring manual
intervention for providing input data and directing output. The goal is
to improve operational efficiency of the existing program and to
automate the manual tasks. The following scope of work was developed
with consideration for possibly using an open source programming
language, such as Python or Perl. However, this is not intended to
discourage proposals using alternatives such as Java or Visual Basic,
which will be given equal consideration, according to merit and cost.
For proposals using other languages, comparable tools and procedures
should be offered. Two attachments are included, a schematic drawing of
the model process flow (Attachment B and a narrative description of the
schematic representation. On January 13, 2005, there will be a
pre-proposal meeting (non-mandatory) at 10 am in room 370A at Metro
where project staff will be available to answer questions. 

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