[PLUG-JOBS] AIX Admin opp.

Adams,Jerry jeradams at allegisgroup.com
Thu Mar 3 00:21:02 UTC 2005

I have been trying to fill a position here in Portland for a Mid to
Senior level AIX Admin. This is a contract position that should last
about 4 to 6 months. Hourly rate will depend on the candidates

Following is a description of desired skills and experience:  
*	Strong familiarity with Unix required (AIX 4.33, 5.1, 5.2)
Helpful - AIX 5.3 
*	Experience upgrading AIX Operating System in an enterprise
environment, specifically, large scale systems, disk mirroring, etc. 
*	Experience with Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) is helpful, but not
*	Ability to work independently / possibly in off hours - to
accommodate our customers. 
*	Ability to perform basic application compatibility testing in a
lab environment 

If you are interested, or know someone who is, feel free to contact me.

Jerry Adams
Teksystems Recuiter
jeradams at teksystems.com

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